Birthday Club Membership
Klazzy Kre8tions sends you a customized Birthday Card every year
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Invitation to Member Only Sales
Punch Card: Collect 1 punch for every Greeting Card you purchase. Receive 10 punches and you get 2 Greeting Cards Free ($8 Value)
How long does it take?
Klazzy Kre8tions needs at least 2 weeks to set up your account. We will send out birthday cards at the start of each month. You will receive your card the month of your birthday! (Make sure to show it to all of your friends)
How do I get started?
Simply fill out the form below and you are on your way to being a Klazzy Kre8tions Birthday Club Member.


Mailing Address:

Email Address:

Birthday (Month & Day Only):

Favorite Color:

Favorite Sports Team:

Greek Affiliation:

Have questions or need to place a custom order? Give us a call at 816-645-2200
Email us at